Saturday 11 October 2014

Top 10 Cities for Accountants

Steve Berman | LedgerLink

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Accountants are everywhere. Big cities, small towns, anywhere business is done there’s a need for accountants, auditors, bookkeepers and all other number-crunchers.
But let’s face it, for the biggest concentration of businesses (andaccounting jobs), cities are the places to be. Which cities are the best? That’s where we come in.
LedgerLink has done the research — from average salaries to commute times — to provide this list of the top ten cities for accountants.
We gave preference to cities with the most accounting jobs and unemployment rates lower than the national average.
So whether you’re looking to relocate and see if the grass is greener elsewhere, or just want to see how your city matches up, check out the list. You never know, you may find yourself in one of these places at some point in your accounting life.

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